Wear RED on Monday and #goredfordyslexia!


On Monday, Oct. 31st, students may wear Red shirts/sweatshirts so we can #GoRedForDyslexia!

What is Go Red for Dyslexia?

Go Red For Dyslexia is a global campaign supported by Succeed With Dyslexia all about changing the narrative for people living with dyslexia and low literacy. We want to end the stigma and shout from the rooftops about all the amazing things people with this learning difference can do.
We’re all familiar with the colour red. It’s always associated with mistakes, corrections, crossing out and disapproval. Well, we thought it was time to change the narrative and take back the feelings of shame and low self-esteem so many dyslexic learners feel. Since 2019, Go Red For Dyslexia has helped spread awareness for dyslexia across the globe by encouraging people to turn anything and everything red.
