Jackie Cozzo-Front Desk Receptionist
Jackie Cozzo was led to GRACEPOINT by some loving friends when her son was diagnosed with dyslexia. She will be forever grateful to those friends! Her son has been thriving at GRACEPOINT. Mrs. Cozzo works at the front desk on Mondays and Wednesdays. She loves the opportunity to get to know the teachers, students and be more involved with the GRACEPOINT family.
Mrs. Cozzo is originally from Missouri. She graduated from Central Missouri State University, and moved to Georgia 2001 for a job promotion while working for Georgia Pacific/Bluelinx. After working in corporate America for 14 years, she resigned from Coca-Cola to stay at home with her daughter and son. In her free time, she loves attending her children's activities, going for a run, and hanging out with her husband, friends and the family dog, Louie.